Servants for Sight has traveled to Haiti, China, Ecuador and Honduras. Our current projects are in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador and Kenya. We work with El Buen Samaritano in La Romana to provide cataract surgeries to those in desperate need in the Dominican Republic. We also work with AVX and Christ for the City in El Salvador to provide exams and screenings for those without viable options for eye care. Ophthalmologists and optometrists interested in accompanying us on one of our mission trips, should email us at info@servantsforsight.org.


In September of 2018 a team of 10 traveled to La Romana to visit long time missionary partners at El Buen Samaritano.  This relationship began in 2011 with a connection between old high school friends.  This past trip, we were able to ship two phaco machines and microscopes to this missionary hospital, to perform cataract surgeries on 44 people in 3 days.  Most of these people are of Haitian decent and work in the sugar cane fields.  They live in lower than poverty villages called batays.  


AVX is a national manufacturing company based in Fountain Inn, SC.  This relationship began when their CEO had an eye appointment at Southern Eye Associates.  He learned of our previous mission work and asked if we could put a team of Optometrist together and do an eye clinic for their plant in San Salvador, El Salvador.  There are about 4,000 employees there with no access to eye care.  This past trip in January of 2018 was our second visit and we were able to see 450 people in 3 days.  We also visited an impoverished island with Christ for the City.  We hope to return to this island to do a vision screening with its people.