Based in Greenville, SC, Servants for Sight seeks to serve those in our own backyard. We partner with local agencies such as medical clinics, food banks, and churches to reach the low income, homeless, and uninsured in Greenville and the Upstate of South Carolina.

We provide eye care through the following programs:


Servants for Sight organizes vision screenings at local agencies. At these screenings, we provide distance and near vision tests, educate on eye health, provide reading glasses and organize follow up care through Servants for Sight.

If your agency is interested in hosting a vision screening for your clients, please email us at info@servantsforsight.org.

Regular vision screenings are available through our eye clinic at Triune Mercy Center every other Tuesday. To set up an appointment, please contact Triune Mercy Center.


Servants for Sight launched the Vision Van in March of 2015.  The Vision Van features equipment to test visual acuity as well as take photos of the back of the eye with a fundus camera. The images from this camera are used to detect signs of diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration. The Vision Van was purchased by Fluor’s Golf for Greenville event in 2014. 


Eye exams are provided for Servants for Sight patients by volunteer physicians. Physicians donate their expertise and time to our organization.

Currently our volunteer physicians include the doctors at Southern Eye Associates, Clemson Eye, Spartanburg Vision, Family Eye Care, Poole Family Eye Care, Francis Eye Center, and Precision Eye. If you are an optometrist or ophthalmologist willing to donate your time to Servants for Sight, please contact us.


If deemed necessary, Servants for Sight provides the necessary care to restore sight. Eyeglasses, surgery and/or medical treatment are provided for those in need of them.